With all the snow and ice lately, it's been more important to take a little extra time advance planning each morning's running route. With snow piled on each side, the roads are narrower, and ice patches still dot some roads more than others.
So, this morning, instead of just getting out there running and seeing where it goes, I mapped out in advance a nice route that mainly avoided all heavy car traffic. We still came across some ice patches, but at least my running partner and I didn't have to worry about navigating both ice and passing cars at the same time this morning.

I'm an early morning runner; I love getting out while it's still dark, and see the sunrise during or at the end of the run.
Adding darkness to the snow, ice, and traffic factors makes it all the more important to find the right route, preferrably one less traveled by cars. As courteous as most drivers are, it's just less stressful for everyone to stay off the main roads as much as possible, and wear bright colors and reflective gear.
Here's a map of this morning's 12 mile route, through scenic roads of Hopkinton and Ashland, Massachusetts: